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So far admin has created 4 blog entries.

Functional Release Cupping


Functional Release Cupping Functional Release Cupping is a fairly new technique which is being explored and developed further by Shaun Brewster, Caroline Cleary, and colleagues, and the ways in which it can benefit clients. Continuing Education Australia offers the course in Functional Release Cupping (FRC) which we had Jemma attend. FRC integrates the concepts of [...]

Pectoral Stretching


Pectoral Stretching The pectorals are responsible for a range of movement including flexion, horizontal adduction, and inward rotation of the humerus so doing regular pectoral stretching can be very beneficial. The pecs can be a sensitive area to have treated, and are often avoided. As a result people can attain shortened, tight pecs which are painful and [...]

The Psoas March – The Key to Strong, Flexible Hip Flexors


The Psoas March - The Key to Strong, Flexible Hip Flexors Clients present to us with a range of afflictions involving their psoas (the long muscles that runs either side of the spine which is required for hip flexion) including, lumbopelvic control problems, psoas strains, low back pain, poor squat technique, and even ‘tight’ hip [...]

Sam attends Massage and Myotherapy Association National Conference


Sam attends Massage and Myotherapy Association National Conference On May 26th Sam attended a work shop with the amazing Dr Jay Shah, world expert in Chronic Myofascial Pain. Dr Jay Shah investigates clinical pain sciences in order to optimise the evaluation and physical medicine management of neuro-musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, through use of dry needling, [...]